๐๏ธ Accordion
Accordions display an expandable/collapsible list of items. The final Accordion component is a compound of the following:
๐๏ธ Alert
Alerts display short messages related to the behavior of a system, feature or page.
๐๏ธ Banner
Banners are used for advertising brands, products, and/or collections. They comprise an image, some text content, and a call-to-action button. The final Banner component is a compound of the following:
๐๏ธ Breadcrumb
Breadcrumbs indicate the user's location in a website hierarchy, facilitating the navigation to previous page levels.
๐๏ธ Bullets
The Bullets component displays a set of bullets, which allow users to alternate between different screens.
๐๏ธ Card
Cards are used to present content and actions related to a single topic.
๐๏ธ Carousel
Carousels are a set of rotating banners. They contain navigational controls which allow users to alternate between multiple images and content in the same section.
๐๏ธ Form
Forms contain interactive components that are used to collect user input.
๐๏ธ IconButton
Icon Buttons are icons that trigger some sort of action, such as adding an item to the cart.
๐๏ธ LoadingButton
Loading Buttons are used to disable interactions or provide a visual cue that an action is being processed.
๐๏ธ Modal
Modals are dialog windows that sit on top of an application's main view. Once a Modal is open, interactions with the content behind it are blocked.
๐๏ธ PaymentMethods
The PaymentMethods component displays the logos of the available payment options in a store.
๐๏ธ PriceRange
The Price Range component is a slider that allows users to select a maximum and minimum price from a range.
๐๏ธ ProductCard
ProductCard displays summarized information about a product.
๐๏ธ QuantitySelector
The QuantitySelector component allows customers to select the quantity of a given product to purchase.
๐๏ธ RadioGroup
The Radio Group component allows users to select a single option from a list of two or more mutually exclusive options.
๐๏ธ SearchInput
The Search Input component allows users to enter an input and query results from a database.
๐๏ธ Table
Tables display information in a friendly way, allowing users to scan for details quickly. The Table component is a compound of the following: